Grow Your Own fruit
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Plant a tree this autumn to enjoy a lifetime of Britain’s most popular orchard fruit, says expert Anthony Bennett.
Few fruits can compete with the apricot for sheer indulgence, and with new varieties perfectly suited to the British climate,…
Blackberries & Hybrid Berries
Many of us carry fond childhood memories of hunting for shiny, plump blackberries on countryside walks. Timing was of…
With the vitamin-packed blackcurrant fruit a rare sight in shops (more than 90 percent of the country’s commercial…
In recent years the sweetly flavoured blueberry has gained a reputation as a ‘super food’ thanks to widespread…
It wasn’t so long ago that cherries were considered a bit of a handful to grow. However, the development of self-fertile…
Citrus Fruits
Citrus crops are more often associated with the warm climates of California, Florida and Mediterranean countries than…
Crab Apples
This underrated fruit has it all, explains growing expert Anthony Bennett – eye-catching springtime blossom and beautiful…
Recent years have seen a surge in the popularity of producing home-grown vegetables. Rightly so – it’s hard to…

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Served with ice cream or steeped in brandy, there is little to compete with the sweetness and aroma of these delicious…
A mouth-watering harvest will be the reward for growing this straightforward and satisfying soft fruit. Follow our guide…
Whether you’re making your own juice, raisins or wine from them, or more likely just enjoying them as they are,…
Our plots turn out a rich variety of fruits and vegetables, but how many of us grow a crop of nuts? There are a number…
Few foods can compete with peaches when it comes to juiciness. Their plump, sun-ripened fruits are positively bursting…
Pears are the grandfather of the orchard or kitchen garden – although they take a few years to reach the fruiting stage,…

My gardening secret is...
Woodchip paths around my raised beds have completely eradicated slugs and snails from my kitchen garden – they can't travel over the rough surface and my crops are left un-nibbled!

Few trees better epitomise the glory of growing your own fruit than plums. These sweet, dusky crops are bursting with…
The quince (Cydonia oblonga) has been grown on British shores since the 13th century if not earlier, but gradually fell…
Raspberries might play second fiddle to their Wimbledon-associated cousins on shop shelves but on the plot there should…
Few crops are as carefree as rhubarb – a perennial plant that will provide loyal service year after year. Hailing from…
Supermarket shoppers might be accustomed to watery, flavourless strawberries (no wonder given that they’ll have…
Unusual Fruits
The great thrill of growing your own fresh food can’t be overstated. It’s all about the joy of experiencing…